The One That Matters Read online

Page 5

  “I’m thinking the person I’m looking for might be Marie. And I don’t want to invade her privacy, so I’ll leave now. But I’ll be back.” He turned to leave.

  “Mr. Nichols,” Natalie called. He stopped and walked back to her desk. “You said you danced with her?” He nodded. “And you’re interested in her?” He nodded again. “You seem like a nice guy, and I’ve seen your show. It’s really great.” She smiled. “Without giving you specific details about this woman, I’ll only say this, be kind to her. If you can’t treat her well and with respect—just leave her alone.” Natalie’s steadfast devotion to Marie was admirable and telling. Marie must be an exceptional woman. Natalie looked young, and in her early twenties, but behind her blue-framed glasses were the soft hazel eyes of an old soul.

  “I appreciate your candor. The woman I’m looking for has the most beautiful dark piercing eyes, tan skin, and let me tell you: she’s an amazing dancer.”

  Natalie blushed. “You’re looking for Marie.”

  “Thank you. I’ll be back.” Parker walked out to his black Range Rover, hopped in the driver’s seat and smiled. “Marie...”

  Frustrated, Marie grabbed a towel. No doubt, she was more relaxed and refreshed after her invigorating bath. Still, Marie felt pathetic masturbating out of necessity. If she wanted an orgasm, she needed to do it herself because Craig—the misogynist pig—didn’t care about her satisfaction. He’d only need to stick in his humongous dick, grope her, and cum. Sweet success—all her sexual desires and dreams realized. Or so he thought. There was nothing passionate, sensual, or tender about the act. It was never making love. It was sex. And sex was only about him. Five minutes later he’d climb off her, beat his chest, and walk around like a primal beast whose latest conquest was mind-blowing. She laughed to herself. “And he thought I was a fucking disappointment.” She froze. Had she thrown out an F-bomb? She giggled. Yes, and it was liberating.

  The grin on her face was short-lived when she glimpsed her naked body in the mirror. Could a man desire me? Parker re-entered her mind. He had piqued her curiosity on the dance floor. Just seeing his face while pleasuring herself had brought a new level of arousal. Was it her imagination, or might he be a good lover? She swallowed hard. I have needs, too.

  After she put her clothes on, she pulled her hair into a ponytail and looked at her reflection. The woman staring back was attractive, intelligent, fun, and she had captured Parker Nichols’ attention. A celebrity—a popular celebrity! That was saying something. Confident and determined, with a new perspective on life, she would not question where the confidence was coming from; she would embrace it.

  “It’s time I took control of my life,” she told herself. “Every part of my life. First and foremost, I’m Jackson’s mother. No way in hell will a swimsuit model take my place.” She took a deep breath and marched herself downstairs, determined to do everything possible to be a better mom and win him back…starting with cookies.

  Before the divorce, she had baked several times a week. The kids loved her homemade desserts, and so did her thighs. After the divorce, she stopped baking altogether, and the only cookies the kids ate were store-bought. So much had changed in two years for her and the kids, and none of it was good. She had crawled into a dark, lonely hole and did just enough to survive, but not live. Marie was done, over it. She was tired of failing as a woman and mother. It was time things changed. No more pity parties, no more fear, and no more self-loathing. Only acceptance, respect, and love for myself.

  Already she felt empowered. The timer buzzed, and she pulled the second tray of chocolate chip cookies out of the oven just as Jackson walked through the front door. He suddenly stopped and stared at her.

  “Hi, buddy.”

  “Why are you home? You made cookies?” A smile appeared on his face but disappeared just as fast.

  “I came home early today and wanted to bake you cookies. How about some milk to go with them?” He nodded and hopped up on the barstool. She poured him a glass of milk and set a plate filled with cookies in front of him.

  “Mmm…your chocolate chip cookies are always the best,” he said with a full mouth. The praise caught her by surprise, and a lump formed in her throat as she remembered the closeness they had once had. Marie watched him gobble up the cookie and smiled. Then out of nowhere, Ann blasted into the kitchen from the entry, startling them.

  “Marie, what’s going on?” Ann demanded. Jackson’s eyes widened. “Sorry, buddy. Something’s going on with your mom and she won’t tell me what it is.” Floored by the intrusion Marie glared at her. “I called your office. Natalie said you left. Does this have to do with Parker? Or is it Craig?”

  “Ann, not now,” she said firmly. Ann’s gaze shifted to Jackson, eating his cookies.

  “Dad’s getting married,” he mumbled. “I’m getting a new mom.” Marie’s eyes stung at the sudden declaration, and she whipped around to face the sink. “Who’s Parker?”

  “Oh buddy, you’re not getting a new mom. You have a mom,” Ann corrected, touching his shoulder. Marie gripped the counter. “Just because your dad is getting married again doesn’t make his new wife your mom. Just like if your mom remarried, her new husband doesn’t become your new dad. You already have a dad. Does that make sense?” Ann asked, her voice tinged with an emotion she rarely displayed.

  “Yeah, it makes sense. So, who’s Parker?” Jackson asked again, as he reached for some milk.

  “Nobody,” Marie was quick to answer. “Why don’t you take your cookies and milk into the living room to watch TV.”

  “Okay.” Jackson left the kitchen, and now Marie was the one with the death stare.

  “You bitch.” Marie glowered. “Next time you have an issue with me, keep your damn mouth shut in front Jackson,” she whispered. “We’ll talk about whatever’s on your mind in private, do you understand me? And never storm into my house like a lunatic again.”

  Ann stared at Marie, flabbergasted, and with her mouth ajar. “Marie…you cursed.”

  “That’s all you have to say?”

  “I’m sorry. Why didn’t you call me? How am I supposed to help you if you don’t call me?”

  “Because I needed time to process. It killed me to hear Jackson say he was getting a new mom.” She took a deep breath. “And I knew you’d bring up Parker.”

  “Okay, I get it. I’m a pushy bitch. But honey, you seem stronger. What’s changed in you?”

  “I’m tired of getting walked on and pushed around. I’m ready to fight.”

  “Well, it’s about damn time.” Ann pulled her into a hug. “You’re rising above this.”

  Marie started the day with a bounce in her step. It was a new day, and she was filled with hope for the future. As Marie sauntered to the stairs to call Jackson, she hummed a tune. Had she paid attention, she would have recognized the song from the club and her dance with the hot gringo. “Jackson, we’re leaving in five minutes,” she called up to him.

  “Okay,” Jackson said running downstairs. “I need ten dollars for a t-shirt.”

  “Sure thing, in my wallet. I forgot my iPad upstairs. I’ll be right back.”

  Jackson pulled her wallet out, removing several bills. As he counted out ten dollars, Parker’s business card fell out between the bills. Jackson picked it up and read it. “Moooommm!” he yelled.

  “What Jackson? What’s the matter?” she said running down the stairs, iPad pressed against her chest.

  “Why do you have Parker Nichols’s business card? Do you know him? Is that who Ann was asking about? Mom, tell me!!!” His face was bright with excitement, a look she hadn’t seen since before Craig moved out. Her heart melted. It was the little boy she’d been missing the last two years.

  “We need to go buddy, or I’ll be late for work.”

  “Okay, you can tell me in the car!” He grabbed his stuff and ran out to the garage.

  The car ride was the most enjoyable time they’d had in…forever. Marie explained to Jackson that she didn�
�t know Parker, but she had met him when she was out with the girls. He was beyond thrilled. You’d think he had just met Parker Nichols.

  “Have a good day, buddy.”

  “Yeah, you too Mom, and we’ll talk more about Parker later today!” He slammed the door shut and ran over to Ricky. Marie watched his mouth move at rapid speed, accompanied by animated gestures. One could only imagine what fantastical story he told Ricky. It was the perfect start to both their days.

  At noon Parker walked through the smoked-glass door and smiled at Natalie as if they were old friends. “Good afternoon, Natalie.”

  “Mr. Nichols, I didn’t expect to see you so soon.”

  “Is she here?”

  “She is.”

  “Excellent, can I see her?”

  Natalie held up one finger, and with the other hand picked up her phone and dialed Marie’s extension. “Hi Marie, I have a Mr. Nichols asking to see you.” She paused. “Um, Parker Nichols.” Parker watched as Natalie’s eyes roamed the lobby. “But…but he’s…”

  Parker frowned. It didn’t sound like Marie wanted to see him, so he took control of the situation by reaching his hand toward Natalie for the phone. With hesitation, she handed it over to him. “Marie, it’s Parker. Please come out to the lobby.” There was silence. “Marie, please.” He waited for her answer, and when she gave it, a broad grin stretched across his face. “Thank you.” He handed the phone back to Natalie and winked.

  Marie paced in her office. “What the hell? He’s here! What does he want? How did he find me?” She squeezed her hands into fists, making them sweaty. Then she stopped when it hit her. “Those damn girls!”

  He’s just a man, she told herself. That didn’t help calm her racing heart. She could be professional and in charge in her place of work. She fixed her grey pencil skirt and re-tucked her white button-down blouse, and with an air of confidence walked out to the lobby. At first sight of him, butterflies awoke in her stomach. It was the face she had held captive during her bath. Her cheeks warmed.

  “Mr. Nichols.”

  “Hi, Marie,” Parker greeted. She watched his eyes danced over her—up to her hair in a French twist, her crisp white V-neck button-down shirt, and grey fitted skirt that hugged her curves. “I was wondering if I could take you to lunch?”

  Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Natalie eavesdropping. “This way,” she said walking to the door and jerked her chin for him to follow.

  The afternoon sun shone brightly, sending off a heat that matched her intensity. Now more than ever she had to keep control of the situation. “Let me be straight with you. I’m not interested.” Her matter-of-fact attitude stonewalled him, and she hoped it gave her the upper hand.

  He stared at her confidently. “You aren’t interested in lunch?”

  She cocked her head to the side, holding his gaze. The sun shining behind him forced her to squint. When he smiled, she could tell he liked her sassy attitude. “Come on…Why are you here? Am I being punked?” By this time, she had her arms crossed over her chest and her hip pushed out. She wasn’t up for playing games.

  “Marie, let me assure you, nobody is punking you. You’re a beautiful woman and I enjoyed dancing with you. Have lunch with me…please?”

  Marie liked how he tried his best to charm the pants off her with his sexy grin. But she didn’t cave like the other women who fell at his feet. She wouldn’t crumble into a puddle of goo despite his charm and good looks. This thing wasn’t going to happen. “You seem like a nice guy, but you’re also a celebrity, or so my friends tell me.” He laughed out loud, and she liked it. “I’m sorry, I can’t.” But she wanted to tell him, “You are a sexy gringo actor who will only break my heart.”

  “So, you have something against actors? It’s just lunch.” He flashed his best celebrity grin; it melted her, but she would maintain control.

  “Yes, I have something against actors. It’s not personal. I don’t want my face plastered all over the internet. I like my privacy.” She shrugged.

  “It’s kind of hard not to take it personally.” He looked away from her, disappointed. “Do you have my business card?”

  “I do,” she said with a guilty smile.

  “Good. Call me, Marie. Marie…what’s your last name?”

  She rolled her eyes.

  “Ah, right. There’s that privacy thing again,” he teased.

  “Ramsey.” She shook her head and smiled. “Marie Ramsey. It’s on the Malcolm-Bower website; it’s public knowledge.” She laughed as she tossed her head back.

  “Are you sure I can’t buy you lunch, or dinner?”

  The butterflies danced in her stomach, his persistence endearing. More than anything she wanted to say yes, but they’d never work. How did he not see that? “Parker, I’m sure that I can’t. I’d rather not start anything,” she said with a hint of regret in her voice.

  “Okay.” He stood unmoved, staring at her as if willing her to change her mind.

  “You have a good day.” She waved as she turned back to the office.

  Parker remained on Marie’s mind the rest of the workday. It wasn’t easy turning him down. And seeing him again reignited the feelings she had had at the club…not to mention the feelings she had in the bathtub. To make matters worse, Craig had never looked at her the way Parker did, like he was happy to see her, with those slate-blue eyes, sparkling like the ocean. Did he have to be so sweet? And his charming grin… Ugh.

  But it was the look on Natalie’s face when she walked back into the office she wanted to avoid—the star-struck, swoony, melt-at-your-feet look. The same look Brooke had had at the club. In fact, they all had it, including every fan that asked him for a picture. I wish he wasn’t a celebrity.

  Chapter 6

  The Call

  Saturday night, Marie was soaking in her tub when Ann called. She let out a heavy sigh as she answered. “You’re interrupting my bath.”

  “Why are you taking a bath at ten o’clock at night?”

  “Why are you calling at ten o’clock? I could be in bed.”

  “Because it’s a Saturday night, and I knew you’d be up. You should be with Parker. I can’t believe you declined lunch. Who rejects Parker Nichols?” Ann said in disbelief.

  “Parker seems like a nice guy and yeah, he’s very handsome. God, the way my stomach gets butterflies when I’m around him…but I can’t. I have to think of Jackson. And if I’m honest, I couldn’t handle love-struck fans falling at his feet. Besides, as I sit here in my bath…honey, he wouldn’t want any of this.” Her face soured, looking down at her breasts and stomach.

  “Give me a break! I’ve seen your body. It’s better than half the twenty-somethings I see out at the beach.”

  “Well, at least they have firm, perky breasts. Craig always pushed me to get a boob job. I should’ve listened. Now I can’t afford one on my own.”

  “Jesus, Marie, stop it! Some men like soft breasts; they fit in their mouths easier. You need to get laid and all your worries will be over.” She giggled.

  “Man, you’re vulgar,” Marie chided, laughing at the same time. “But you’re right. I need to get laid. It’s been so long since a man has touched me, and lord knows, Craig was a horrible lover,” she admitted. “But at least there was physical contact.”

  “Oh honey, I’m willing to bet Parker is a terrific lover. Call him! Call him for a booty call!” Ann rallied.

  “Now you stop! I would never call Parker, let alone for a booty call. I’m not that kind of girl! And even if I was, I’ve given up on gringos.”

  “What’s gotten into you? Now you’re rejecting white guys?”

  “My mother had reservations about Craig because he was different from us. Maybe she was right. Maybe it’s better to stick with your own kind.”

  “That’s a load of crap. You know that isn’t true. Craig was wrong from the get-go! We established that years ago. I think you’re just trying to talk yourself out of the sexy Parker Nichols…’cause you’re scar

  “Yeah, I’m scared! You think I want a repeat of Craig? And being sexy doesn’t mean good in bed. Or a good match for me. I know that from personal experience. My only O’s happened in the tub.” Marie had never been with anyone other than Craig. Fit, muscular, and attractive didn’t mean a damn thing in bed. Craig had been a lousy lover, and he wasn’t sexy. But Parker was, and from the vibe she got from him she’d wager he was a fantastic lover too.

  “Wait! Why didn’t you tell me you were getting off in the tub?! That’s what you meant when you said I was ‘interrupting.’ Girl, you should have hung up on me!”

  “Oh sure, if I said, ‘I’m masturbating in the tub,’ you wouldn’t have gotten off the phone.”

  “Damn straight! I wouldn’t have believed you knew how.” Ann chuckled, always the wise-ass. “Well then, I’ll let you get back to your fun. But if you called Parker, it would be more enjoyable.”

  “Enough about Parker!”

  Marie didn’t know it, but Jackson was eavesdropping and heard the entire one-sided conversation. The second he heard Parker’s name, he stayed put, catching every word. From what Jackson could understand, his mom liked Parker. Maybe he could help her. He dug through her wallet for Parker’s business card and ran to his room to put the number in his phone. He ran back into her room returning the card before she got out of the tub.

  Back in his room, he paced back and forth, taking deep breaths. He shook his head and worked the kinks out of his neck, like a boxer right before entering the ring, working up the courage to call his favorite superhero. Seconds later the determined eleven-year-old pushed the call button. It rang and rang, and it went to voicemail. “Dang it!” He took a deep breath, “Hi, Professor Pierce, er I mean, Mr. Nichols. My name is Jackson Ramsey. Can you call me back? It’s about my mom…Marie.”